

Design Tips and Guidelines

Designing for additive manufacturing (AM) requires a different approach compared to traditional manufacturing methods. In AM, a digital 3D model is used to build a physical object layer by layer, using a variety of materials and technologies. This allows for greater design freedom and the ability to create complex geometries, but it also introduces unique considerations that need to be taken into account during the design process.

Here are some tips and guidelines to keep in mind when designing for AM:

1. Understand the capabilities and limitations of the AM technology and material you are using. Different AM technologies and materials have different properties and capabilities, and it is important to choose the right one for your application.
2. Consider the function and performance of the part. AM parts should be designed to meet the required performance and functional requirements.
3. Optimize the design for AM. AM allows for complex geometries, but it is important to ensure that the design is optimized for the AM process. This includes minimizing support structures and ensuring that the part is printable.
4. Ensure design for manufacturability (DFM). AM parts should be designed with manufacturing in mind to ensure a successful build. This includes ensuring proper tolerances, avoiding undercuts, and considering the orientation of the part during printing.
5. Consider post-processing options. AM parts often require post-processing, such as sanding or polishing, to achieve the desired surface finish. It is important to consider these steps during the design process to ensure that the finished part meets the desired specifications.
By following these tips and guidelines, you can effectively design for AM and take advantage of the unique capabilities and benefits it offers.

Of course, Design for Additive Manufacturing is quite complicated process and Addpark delivers basic to advanced trainings about DfAM. If you are interested you can check our training and experience program “Additive Accelarator”.

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