

Public Gender Equality Plan (GEP)

It is the responsibility of our company to create completely equal opportunities, to recognize equal rights and to ensure the diversity of duties of the people working within Btech from the beginning to the end of their tenure. As one of the active companies in national and international business life, Btech’s basic management regime is based on developing and implementing an effective policy that excludes gender discrimination in all aspects of working and business life and that will ensure equality, balance, and diversity between the sexes. Applying gender equality at the level of company, it ensures between workers equality at every position, and it goals to women be in business life in a balance way. This aims include five basic area:

We wish that the Gender Equality Plan will contribute to removal of gender-based discriminations and injustice all layers of society, especially our company.

Work-Life Balance and Corporate Culture

The Current Situation Aim Planned Action The Responsible Department
Data on the number of female and male personnel and their distribution by department will be provided by human resources. Establishment of a digital archive system that will provide gender equality data. Starting of digital archive studies by Btech HR
Organize of the satisfaction survey and collecting of data every year Examination of İndividual and corporate possibilities with survey data for gender equality Analysis of the information obtained as a result of the satisfaction survey HR


Gender Balance in Leadership and Decision-Making

The Current Situation Aim Planned Action The Responsible Department
…% of the Administrative Board… % of the R &D department. dec….% of the deposit of marketing and finance….it consists of female employees. Making these rates sustainable by about 50% To provide administrative skills to women by encouraging the effective participation of women in working committees and commissions in decision-making processes. HR

Gender Equality in Recruitment and Career Development Processes

The Current Situation Aim Planned Action The Responsible Department
The ratio of working woman in company 30 % Making these rates sustainable by about 50% Encourage of working woman

Keeping report regularly for annually


Measures Against Gender-Based Violence Including Sexual Harassment

The Current Situation Aim Planned Action The Responsible Department
Organize of education activity at the Gender-based violence and sexual harassment in company Raising awareness of at gender-based violence and sexual harassment in academic and administrative staff Organize of education activity for raising awareness of at gender-based violence and sexual harassment in academic and administrative staff HR

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